

WoRMS logo competition

Added on 2008-04-25 14:35:11 by Ward Appeltans
We still haven’t got a nice logo for our World Register of Marine Species. Therefore we launch a call for logo’s. The WoRMS logo will be used on the website and on promotional material, such as presentations, brochures, posters, etc.
The logo should be kept clear and simple and preferably links to a marine species concept. The WoRMS acronym should be included (no caps for the “o”) and be readable in small size (1 inch). The image should be in a vector format (e.g. cdr, eps, ai).

Submissions should be sent to no later than 18 June 2008. Maximum three creations per person are allowed. Please clearly indicate your name and address details in your email.

The best logo will be selected during the Marine Taxonomy Workshop on 20-21 June 2008 in Oostende (Belgium). The winner will receive an award of 250,00 EUR.

The author of the winning logo cannot claim copyright.

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