

Eight proposals received funding through the GBIF campaign

Added on 2009-01-28 14:48:03 by Ward Appeltans
In late 2008, small grants were awarded to WoRMS Taxonomic Editors to assist the publication of content related to several taxa through WoRMS. We thank the Global Biodiversity Information Facility for the funding for these grants.
The successful applicants were:

  • Ascidacea (Adriaan Gittenberger, Leiden)

  • Asteroidea (Chris Mah, Washington DC)

  • Brachyura (Peter Davies, Australia)

  • Crinoidea (Charles Messing, Florida)

  • Holothuroidea (Gustav Paulay, Florida)

  • Porifera (Rob van Soest, University of Amsterdam)

  • Scaphopoda (Victor Scarabino, France)

  • Sipuncula (Jose Ignacio Saiz Salinas, University of the Basque Country)

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