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Cyperaceae images » Cyperaceae
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Rhynchospora psammophila MG245704 holotype 1)
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (Rhynchospora psammophila MG245704 holotype 1)
Description Holotype of Rhynchospora psammophila [Pastore M. & Santos M. S. 1313 (MG)]. Courtesy of the MG herbarium. Author Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (MG) ·  JPG file - 248.25 kB - 1 200 x 1 619 pixels added on 2024-09-26141 viewsCyperaceae taxaDigital photo, entire species Rhynchospora psammophila K. Alves, W. Thomas & A. Gilchecked Márquez-Corro, José Ignacio 2024-09-26
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