Cyperaceae images

Analytical drawing of Carex parvirufa
Description Analytical drawing of the holotype material of Carex parvirufa (Lesotho, Leribe district, Pitseng, Mafika Lisiu pass summit, T. Villaverde et al. 28TVH14, PRE). A: plant. B: androgynous spike. C: last order fertile utriculiform cladoprophyll and protruding androgynous spike. D: protruding fertile rachilla. E: pistillate glume. F: staminate glume. G: unisexual utricle. H: nutlet. I: utriculiform cladoprophyll without fertile rachilla depicted.—Drawing by Rodrigo Tavera.Image obtained from the publication: Márquez-Corro JI, Maguilla E, Villaverde T, Martín-Bravo S, Luceño M. 2017. "Two new species in Carex sect. Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae) from Southern Africa" Phytotaxa 303(1): 320-329. ·

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