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Cyperaceae images » Cyperaceae
Analytical drawing of Carex badilloi
Analytical drawing of Carex badilloi
Description Analytical drawing of the holotype material of Carex badilloi (South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Drakensberg mountains, Garden Castle Natural Reserve, S. Martín-Bravo 96SMB11 & M. Luceño, PRE). A: plant. B: androgynous spike. C: aborted last order utriculiform cladoprophyll with protruding androgynous spike. D: staminate glume. E: pistillate glume. F: unisexual utricle. G: nutlet. H: fertile utriculiform cladoprophyll without fertile rachilla depicted.—Drawing by Rodrigo Tavera.
Image obtained from the publication: Márquez-Corro JI, Maguilla E, Villaverde T, Martín-Bravo S, Luceño M. 2017. "Two new species in Carex sect. Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae) from Southern Africa" Phytotaxa 303(1): 320-329.
Author Tavera, Rodrigo ·  PNG file - 1.70 MB - 14 034 x 19 872 pixels added on 2024-10-04182 viewsCyperaceae taxaScan of drawing Carex badilloi Luceño & Márq.-Corrochecked Márquez-Corro, José Ignacio 2024-10-07 Download full sizeDownload full size
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